Authors of accepted abstracts (both for oral and poster presentations) are requested to submit their paper of
no more than 6 pages according to the paper instructions
(instructions in pdf format PDF File , sample paper in doc format DOC File and in odt format DOC File )

The deadline for submission of papers is 31 March 2009.

When the paper is ready, please use the paper submission form for uploading the paper in pdf format.
Authors need to insert their Paper ID and the password they provided during the extended abstract submission for uploading the file.

Online paper submission is closed.

Registered Authors that have not submitted the final paper yet, can send it by email to both addresses:

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as soon as possible: if the file will arrive before Monday 20 April 2009 it will be included in the CD of the electronic versions of the papers.

The paper ID number must be specified in the subject of the message and in the file name.

The best papers presented at the Conference will be selected for publication of extended versions in special issues of peer-reviewed international journals.

Please note that contributions will only be included in the ECOTRIB 2009 Programme and published in the Proceedings if arrived before 31 March 2009 and at least one of the authors of the paper is registered before 31 March 2009. Each author registration can cover a maximum of 2 papers.

In case of problems and for any question, please refer to the e-mail address Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.