The full Statute (in Italian) is here: Statuto della Associazione Italiana di Tribologia

A brief summary of the Statute is reported below.

The Italian Tribology Association, AIT, is a national reference organisation for universities, industries and research centres involved in tribology.

AIT main aims are:

  • to increase the cooperation between universities and industries;
  • to contribute to the development of industrial technologies related to tribology;
  • to promote tribology with cultural and scientific activities, as seminars and courses;
  • to promote and maintain a network to divulge the AIT activities;
  • to promote also international relations and exchanges.

Members of AIT can be Individual, Collective and Honorary.

Boards of AIT are:

  • the Members General Assembly
  • the President
  • the Management Board
  • the Secretary
  • the Board of Auditors